Become a supporting member
Save money and do good by changing the way your team thinks.
Take the first step, it’s easy!

make us proud of you
Start your school on a positive journey

Immediate action
All schools can become a Supporting Member. There are no acceptance criteria except for the willingness to start on this journey.

Tangible benefits
Concrete, practical advice and in focus suggestions are just some of the benefits that come with becoming a Supporting Member.

Low cost, high impact
A small annual fee provides you with access to a wide range of resources and advice that will have real impact.

Compliments other initiatives
Committed time and energy to Ecoschools? No problem, our area of focus is operational and so joining us will compliment the others perfectly.
Supporting Membership benefits
Tangible benefits from day one
Annual carbon footprint assessment
All supporting members can access an carbon footprint assessment that will quantify the opportunities and the challenges.
Use of Supporting Member branding
As a Supporting Member you will able to display and publish our Supporting Member logo and branding on your digital and physical publications.
High impact action advice
Support that will focus in on high impact, low cost strategies for improving efficiency and cutting your carbon footprint.
Reductions on workshops & courses
Our supporting Members get a 10% reduction on all our courses and workshops.
Quarterly Deep Dives
Each quarter we take a look a one operational area in-depth and examine the opportunities that new technologies and new thinking can offer to your school.
Access to consulting services
Supporting Member have preferential access to the consulting services that we offer. Even if you choose not to pursue accreditation our team can make a real difference.
Supporting Member branding
Share your commitment and gain reputational benefit
Vertical logo
To be used by Supporting Members only. Available in a variety of formats and resolutions.
Designed for digital publications.

Horizontal branding
To be used by Supporting Members only. Available in a variety of formats and resolutions.
Designed for print publications.

Great value that makes a difference
Supporting members make our work possible
0 – 400 students enrolled
- A year’s worth of positive change!
- Annual payment
- Transfer costs & taxes additional
401 – 800 students enrolled
- A year’s worth of positive change!
- Annual payment
- Transfer costs & taxes additional
800 + students enrolled
- A year’s worth of positive change!
- Annual payment
- Transfer costs & taxes additional
Sign up now!
work with us
about us
The Carbon Neutral School Foundation is a mission driven organization committed to using accreditation to support schools on their journey to carbon neutrality & operational efficiency.
© Carbon Neutral School 2020. All rights reserved.