Adding value across your school
Become an accredited carbon neutral school, renew your school’s operations and deliver your Mission.
Deep seated honesty elicits real benefits.
make us proud of you
Mission renewal
Doing what you say. Saying what you do.
Key benefits include:
We’re on a Mission
Find out what we’ve been up to!
No. 98: Allow only reusable dishware at school
Using reusable dishware at schools has many benefits, including reducing waste, lowering costs, and promoting sustainability education. Research shows that switching to reusable dishware can have a significant positive impact on the environment and finances of schools, while also providing educational opportunities for students to learn about sustainability practices.
No. 74: Set up beehives in the school grounds
Setting up beehives on school grounds can have numerous benefits, including environmental, educational, and financial advantages. The presence of bees can help to support local ecosystems, provide opportunities for student learning, and even generate revenue through the sale of honey and other bee-related products.
No. 50: Use food waste digesters for fertilizer
Food waste digesters are an effective solution to reduce food waste and produce high-quality fertilizer for schools. This sustainable system not only benefits the environment by reducing greenhouse gas emissions, but it also saves schools money on waste disposal fees and can be used as a valuable educational tool.
No. 26: Install bike racks at school
Installing bike racks in schools can benefit the environment, promote physical activity, and save money. Students who bike to school have improved physical fitness and academic performance, while schools can save money on transportation costs and reduce carbon emissions.
No. 18: Use digital signage instead of paper posters
Using energy-efficient digital signage instead of paper posters in schools has environmental and financial benefits. It reduces waste and saves energy, resulting in cost savings. Experts suggest that digital signage is also more effective in communicating with students, improving engagement and participation in school activities.
No. 4: Create sustainable play areas
This article discusses the environmental and financial benefits of creating sustainable play areas in schools. These play areas reduce waste, promote a connection to nature, reduce carbon emissions, and save schools money on maintenance and utility bills. Schools can also receive grant funding for sustainability initiatives.
positive Action
Just do something!
Sometimes the road really is as important as the destination
Together, we can:
Get immediate results
We will ensure that you get some ‘quick wins’ that will help your community get motivated, get your Business Manager and Administration Team on your side and reassure your Board that this was a strong decision.
Make a sustained difference
School Leaders work hard to make positive change permanent and sustained over time. By commiting to an external processes you are guaranteeing continuity and are ensuring that institutional change is not person dependent.
Align around a common goal
All too often your Mission appears to be something remote. By focusing your efforts around achieving Carbon Neutral School Accreditation you will get all of your stakeholders aligned around a very concrete and visible goal.
Unite stakeholders
Taking on a task which is important and significant will unite…
marketing & brand development
Align your story. Reap the benefits.
Parents are looking for a school they can believe in.
Save money, the right way!
The moral justification you’ve been looking for to streamlining your systems
Make you operations leaner
Going green doesn’t necessarily mean more expensive. We believe you can reduce consumption, consume more efficiently (sometimes differently) and in doing so save money and the environment.
Improve safety & effectiveness
Old ways are rarely the best ways. By introducing streamlined processes and procedures we aim to support you in improving the safety and effectiveness of your operations.
Bring your systems up-to-date
We will learn about your unique context. From the details of your operational systems through to the local reguations and opportunities that exist. Then we will work with you to propose systems which are not just greener… they are simply better!
Save money & time
By bringing everything up-to-date and eliminating the redundant, we aim to help you save not just time but money as well.