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Educators have the ability to make a real difference to your school and your world.
Together we can change minds.
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get your school to neutral!
Together, we can make things better
As educators you can help your school focus resources, be true to its Mission & go carbon neutral
take action
Here are 4 ideas that are quick to implement and make a real difference:
Speak with your Leadership Team
Help them to understand that they should prioritize the important over the immediate. Click here for more.
Get others on board
Help us work across your community to build awarenes of school’s moral responsibility. Click here for more.
Get on the agenda
Raise the issue in your staff meetings. You can only deliver on your Mission when you are carbon neutral. More here…
Spread the word
Meet with the people who decide and get them to confront the core hypocracy at your school. Click here to find out more.
Some more ideas…
We’ll be adding more ideas over time so sign up to our Newsletter and we’ll let you know
our story
We all know our schools should be doing more!
A while back I got really angry!
Don’t just talk. Do something!
We can make change happen but we need help. By working together with our teachers, principals, the people who make our schools run and outside experts we can make our schools better places.
Get more schools to join our Foundation.
The rewards are not just intrinsic!
It’s easy to get involved and make a real difference:
1. Sign up to our Evangelist programme
Just get in touch and we will send you all the information you need to register as an evangelist. After that, you’ll be able to access our resources and network.
2. Access our resources & get sharing
We have a growing bank of resources and ideas that will help you target your energies and time in the most effective way.
3. Encourage schools to do the right thing
You have a network of colleagues and previous employers who respect your opinion. work with them to spread the word and get in touch with the school leaders, teachers and board members who can decide to join us.
Enjoy some benefits!
Doing the right thing doesn’t mean that you shouldn’t be rewarded. We’ve taken a leaf out of e-commerce web ite marketing book and offer real financial rewards to get school’s to sign up.
We’re on a Mission
Find out what we’ve been up to!
No. 98: Allow only reusable dishware at school
Using reusable dishware at schools has many benefits, including reducing waste, lowering costs, and promoting sustainability education. Research shows that switching to reusable dishware can have a significant positive impact on the environment and finances of schools, while also providing educational opportunities for students to learn about sustainability practices.
No. 74: Set up beehives in the school grounds
Setting up beehives on school grounds can have numerous benefits, including environmental, educational, and financial advantages. The presence of bees can help to support local ecosystems, provide opportunities for student learning, and even generate revenue through the sale of honey and other bee-related products.
No. 50: Use food waste digesters for fertilizer
Food waste digesters are an effective solution to reduce food waste and produce high-quality fertilizer for schools. This sustainable system not only benefits the environment by reducing greenhouse gas emissions, but it also saves schools money on waste disposal fees and can be used as a valuable educational tool.
No. 26: Install bike racks at school
Installing bike racks in schools can benefit the environment, promote physical activity, and save money. Students who bike to school have improved physical fitness and academic performance, while schools can save money on transportation costs and reduce carbon emissions.
No. 18: Use digital signage instead of paper posters
Using energy-efficient digital signage instead of paper posters in schools has environmental and financial benefits. It reduces waste and saves energy, resulting in cost savings. Experts suggest that digital signage is also more effective in communicating with students, improving engagement and participation in school activities.
No. 4: Create sustainable play areas
This article discusses the environmental and financial benefits of creating sustainable play areas in schools. These play areas reduce waste, promote a connection to nature, reduce carbon emissions, and save schools money on maintenance and utility bills. Schools can also receive grant funding for sustainability initiatives.
No. 98: Install low-VOC carpets and flooring
Carbon-negative flooring materials, such as bamboo and cork, can have environmental and financial benefits for schools. These materials have a low carbon footprint and can help reduce energy consumption and maintenance costs. Additionally, they are durable and can last longer than traditional flooring materials.
No. 50: Encourage cool clothing in hot weather & reduce AC
This article discusses the environmental and financial benefits of encouraging cool clothing in hot weather and reducing AC usage in schools. Experts recommend the use of energy-efficient fans and designing buildings with natural ventilation.
No. 52: Consider switching to geothermal heating systems
This article discusses the environmental and financial benefits of switching to geothermal heating systems in schools. Geothermal energy can provide a sustainable and cost-effective heating solution while reducing carbon emissions. It also includes data and citations from experts in the field.
No. 38: Engage with an ewaste recycling program
An e-waste recycling program can provide environmental and financial benefits to schools by properly disposing of electronic devices and using the funds for community sustainability projects or PTA. Engaging in such programs can reduce the amount of e-waste in landfills and promote a circular economy.