Benefit across the Triple Bottomline of People, Planet & Profit
Mission driven operational efficiency for 21st Century Schools Let's Talk!Workshops & Courses100 ways to make your school be a true role model
Want to know how you and your school can make a real difference? Look no further!
Make your schools sustainable, carbon neutral & truly mission driven

use sprout to calculate and offset your emissions

Offset now, then focus on reduction.
Make a difference to your community & our planet.
It costs a lot less than you think to go carbon neutral. Find out how you can do your bit.
1. Calculate your carbon footprint
Use our simple calculator to find out how much CO₂ you emit.
Calculate the emissions you produce
2. Fund projects that remove CO₂
Fund carbon reduction & removal projects to neutralize your emissions.
Learn how to fund change
3. Enhance, certify and benefit
Differentiate yourself by committing to causes you can be proud of.
Certification provides credibility & transparency
The CNSF Carbon Fund
Empowering others to make a positive diffeence in their communities

Nicaforest High Impact Reforestation Program
Tree planting and reforestation.

20 MW Biomass Power Project
Biomass based power project that generates electricity using rice husks

Emissions Reductions from PET Recycling
Dual impact project

Ceará Renewable Energy
The Ceará project has switched the fuel used by five ceramic factories

Clean & safe stoves project
This voluntary project provides improved cook stoves within Malawi.

Renewable energy project, Brazil
This initiative tackles one of the major causes of deforestation in Brazil: illegal logging
Supporting you & your team every step of the way…
Our workshops will support your team on their journey, no matter where you are on the road to operational efficiency and neutrality.